Proposals &RFP's

Food & Beverage Atlantic is accepting proposals for partnerships and training opportunities

Food & Beverage Atlantic is always seeking partners who can provide value to our members. If you have a service
to offer Food & Beverage Atlantic or food and beverage companies in Atlantic Canada, you are invited to submit
a proposal.

Food & Beverage Atlantic (FBA) serves the food and beverage industry in the four Atlantic provinces with a focus on managing projects or activities to help build a stronger food and beverage industry in our region.

We are interested in working with our industry suppliers to offer training or consulting on various industry topics.

If you are a subject matter expert or have a service that will benefit our association or industry, we want to hear from you.  Please email us the items below to

Current Requests for Proposals

Food & Beverage Atlantic does not currently have any active requests for proposals .

Please continue to check this page for updates.

If your services can benefit our organization or membership, please submit your proposal containing the following information:

Proposals and inquiries can be sent to

“J`ai été satisfait du clip avec Cuisine Roi. Ça montre une autre façon d`utiliser les crevettes canadiennes Belle Baie; et ça encourage les gens des Maritimes à  «Acheter Maritimes», ou local.   Merci Tammy pour ton aide à aller chercher de l`aide financière pour faire ce projet. ”

Fernand Brideau,

Assistant Executive director & Sales director

Belle Baie