
Food and Beverage Atlantic serves its members in many ways. One of our important mandates is to be a connector. We are proud of the partnerships we have made and those we facilitate. One of the incredible benefits of our organization is the link we have with an extensive network directly invested into the food and beverage sector. Please visit one of our directories or databases to explore what is available in the food & beverage ecosystem. By working together, we will create a stronger food and beverage sector in Atlantic Canada. 

Consultant Directory

Whether you are looking for business expertise, food safety specialists, training, or an expert in any area of food & beverage, we’ve got someone in our membership database who is qualified. Browse our Consultant Directory and discover the expertise is available to you.

FBA Member Directory

Visit the FBA Membership Directory and filter through our database to discover who else you can build partnerships with and reach out to your industry peers to do business or for networking purposes.


MiXR is an innovative platform that is designed to help Canada’s food and beverage stakeholders connect, collaborate and create. 

“J`ai été satisfait du clip avec Cuisine Roi. Ça montre une autre façon d`utiliser les crevettes canadiennes Belle Baie; et ça encourage les gens des Maritimes à  «Acheter Maritimes», ou local.   Merci Tammy pour ton aide à aller chercher de l`aide financière pour faire ce projet. ”

Fernand Brideau,

Assistant Executive director & Sales director

Belle Baie